Enabling the Next Era of Genomics.
Welcome to the Next Generation
of DNA Sample Preparation

Introducing the World's First Physical DNA Extraction Technology.
Rapidly Prepare High Quality DNA for Any Sequencer with the Push of a Button
Break Free from Affinity Binding
Experience gentle and ultra-fast automated extraction and purification of DNA for any sequencer with our microfluidic system.
Invented and developed at Cornell University, Inso Bio's patented 'micropillar' technology uniquely captures DNA physically rather than with traditional affinity binding, enabling better sizes, purity, and ease of use.
Superior DNA
Achieve Ultra-Long DNA Fragment Sizes with Minimal Degradation Suitable for Any Downstream Sequencer.
Faster Workflow
Get DNA from Samples in 15-min, or 45-min for High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA Used in Long Read Applications.
Built-in DNA + RNA Multiomic Isolations, and Removal of Metagenomic Contaminants via Rapid Size-Based Separation.
Small & Efficient
Prepare DNA Samples for Sequencing from as Little as a Single Drop of Blood with Our Miniturizable Benchtop System.

DNA for Any Application
Overcome the Limitations of Today's Sample Prep Platforms and Achieve Longer DNA, Fewer Short-Fragments, Higher Extraction Efficiency, and Improved Purity, All Within a Faster Turnaround.
Our Simplified Workflow
Step 1
Cellular or blood samples are loaded into the microfluidic cartridge, where the cells become immobilized within our micropillars.
Step 2
The sample is lysed ‘on-chip’, causing DNA to be extracted and purified in a single step through entanglement onto the micropillars.
Step 3
The purified High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA is released, and subsequently collected for off-system analysis.
The Ideal Automated Benchtop Extraction for Your Lab
Our Unique Technology-Driven Benefits:
By keeping our DNA in solution, we simplify the extraction and purification process while minimizing DNA degradation caused by repeated sample handling and dehydration steps present in standard bead and column-based approaches.
Automatable Workflow with Minimal Reagents and Waste
Compatible with Cell Lines and Blood
Average HMW DNA Molecule Lengths of
50 kb to 1,000+ kb
Average Run Times Ranging from
15 to 45 min
Rapid and Effective Host Depletion Built-In
Multiomic RNA and DNA Extraction Built-In